Questions and Answers
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What is Kendrick Property Tax Consultants?

We are a service company which specializes in correcting tax assessment inequities at the County level, thereby reducing your property tax bill.  We specialize in Commercial Properties

Aren't all properties fairly assessed?

Independent research in 10 major national markets has shown that 60% to 70% of all real estate properties are over assessed.  Even more surprising is that less than 2% of those over-assessed ever appeal.

How do I know that my property is in the 60%-70% group?

We use general guidelines set up by the State and in a few days can render an accurate opinion.

Can you lower the assessment on any property?

No.  After our preliminary research, we will inform you of our findings.  If your property seems to be reasonably assessed, at least you will have peace of mind regarding your property tax bill.

How much will it cost?

We work on a contingentcy basis.  If, and only if, we are successful in reducing your tax bill do we receive a percentage of the tax savins.  Your success is our success.

As a property owner, what do I have to supply you with to proceed?

Minimally, for everything except Residential Properties, we require a copy of your tax bill, a year end rent roll and an income/expense statement.

What are my chances of getting my property taxes reduced with your firm?

Very good.  This past year, around 85% of our clients saved money.  We succeed at such a high rate because we don't mislead you by pursuing an appeal unless it is justified.